Visiting London London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom, is a 21st century city with a history dating back to Roman times. Its centre is home to the imposing Houses of Parliament, the famous Big Ben clock tower…
Visit to the Estufa Fria
To mark the end of the 2023/2024 academic year, on June 18 the three classes of teacher Ana Campos joined in a beautiful visit to the “Estufa Fria de Lisboa”, which was followed by a tasty lunch accompanied by a…
Ancient Art & Red Cross Museums
The English class of teacher Ana Campos visiting the Ancient Art and Red Cross Museums The proposal to visit the “National Museum of Ancient Art” was welcomed by the whole group, despite the particularity of the language … is…
A tour around Lisbon
On the 5th June, in the last period of the English III class, was done a tour in an amphibious vehicle of HIPPO-TRIP organized by our class, which was an interesting visit to sites in the city of Lisbon and…