The Nun and the Taxi Driver (Joke)
A nun hailed a taxi to stop, she comes in and the taxi driver did not stop looking her.
- Why you look at me like that?
He explained:
- I have something to ask you, but I don’t want that you be offended…
She replied:
- My son, I’m a nun a long time and I have been everything. Sure, there is nothing you can tell me or ask me that I find offensive.
- You know, I always had a fantasy in my head, to be kissed on the lips by a nun.
The nun said:
- Well, let’s see what I can do for you: First – you have to be single, from Sporting club and catholic.
The taxi driver gets excited:
- Yes, I’m single, from the Sporting club and catholic too!
The nun looked at the taxi window and said : – So, stop the taxi in the next street.
The car stopped and the nun fulfilled the old fantasy of the taxi driver with a nice kiss on the lips.
But when they continued to the destination, the taxi driver started crying.
- Sorry, nun, but I lied. I’m married, from the Benfica club and atheist.
The nun comforted him:
- No problem, I go to mask ball, my name is Alfredo and I’m from the Porto club.
Very funny. Thank you, José and Tomás, for sharing.