History of Carnival

History of Carnival

Are unknown the origin, dates, modes and motives of the Carnival celebrations.

It is assumed that, in Antiquity, the carnival festivities have had origin in natural and religious phenomena related to fertility.

In the antique Egypt was already celebrated the carnival in honour of the Goddess Isis with music and dances around a camp fire.

The Greek civilization introduced drinks and sexual rituals in celebration of the God Dionysus.

In the antique Rome were celebrated identical festivities in honour of the Gods Bacchus Saturn and Pan.

In 590, the Pope Paulo II authorized the realization of carnival festivities in front of his palace, but has prohibited the manifestations of sexual character. In consequence of this prohibition, were created new manifestations, such as: runs, fantasies, masked ball and allegorical parades.

During this long journey, the carnival festivities have evolved in conformity with the custom and traditions of the peoples which celebrate.

They are globally known, the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro and Venice.

In Portugal, are famous the Carnival of Torres Vedras, Mealhada, Ovar, Loulé and Funchal.

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